October 30, 2013

Christmas Washi Tapes!

Visit my Facebook Page for more info. :D


  1. How to use this tape? I mean where can i use this?

    1. Hi Vee,

      Oh there's so many ways of using washi tapes. Try Googling "washi tape ideas" and you will see TONNES of great ideas.

      Here's one:



      I used washi tape for gift wrapping, on my keyboard, on my books, cardboard etc. And oh, one good thing about washi tape is that they are made of rice paper, so you don't need a scissor to cut it. Just tear it off. Once you've stick them on something and decided to move the tape to another place, you can just peel them and stick it again! Masih sticky lagi! :D

      Wanna try one and experience it yourself? See if you'll turn obsess like me. lol

  2. Hello all! Thanks for commenting. LOL
